Board of Supervisors Work Session Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, May 6, 2019

MAY 6, 2019
5:00 P.M.

A work session of the Paradise Township Board of Supervisors was held at the Paradise Township Municipal Building, 5912 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco, PA.

PRESENT:  Gary Konrath, Peter Gonze, Reda Briglia, Charles Unangst, Jason Smith and Solicitor Prevoznik.

Konrath called the work session to order at 5:10 p.m.

Mt. Airy #1, LLC
Attorney Belardi, Dr. Frank Browne, Dave Osborne and Joshua Castillo were present. Konrath asked Jason Smith to review his comments on the 2018 Greenway Operations and Management Plan.      

1.    Section 2.3.10 - Based on the Plan requirements, standards discussed, and prior actions, the algae bloom on the lake during July 2018 should have been treated.  No algae treatments were made during 2018.  The 2018 Report indicates that such blooms will be treated during 2019.
Dr. Browne will make recommendations to Matthew Magda at Mt. Airy #1, LLC on when treatments are needed (e.g., a standard, such as chlorophyll a value or a visible bloom).  Dr. Browne will copy Briglia on the recommendations.
2.    Section 2.3.11 - Based on the Plan requirements and standards discussed, the Eurasian watermilfoil found growing in the lake and two downstream ponds should have been treated.  The 2018 Report indicates that all three waterbodies will be treated during 2019.
Dr. Browne will make a recommendation to Matthew Magda at Mt. Airy #1, LLC to treat this plant during 2019.  Jason Smith noted that the O&M Plan requires treatment of this plant as it is an invasive exotic species, also noting that it will only continue to get worse with higher coverage over time.  It will also get into downstream waterways, if not treated.
3.    Section 2.5.1 Lake Dredging states that a bathymetric survey will be performed in 2018.  This should be changed to 2019.
Dr. Browne will include the definition of a “bathymetric survey” in the report and DMP, and the Township notified when the survey is done.  
4.    Section 2.5.2 - Have applications for algicides and herbicides been filed for the treatment work prescribed in the 2018 Report?
Dr. Browne said that applications were made and the Township will be notified when permits are received.
5.    Section 3.4 - There are missing data for the automated temperature and conductivity probe measurements.
Dr. Browne acknowledged that there is missing data and stated that the batteries will be changed more frequently to prevent loss data in the future.  
6.    Section 3.5.5 - Page 36, first sentence – figure number is missing.
Dr. Browne will complete what is missing.
7.    Section 3.6, Table 14 – Stations 2 and 3 are mixed up, including discussion in the Habitat section preceding Table 14.
Dr. Browne will correct the Station numbers.
8.    Section 4.0 – Should include replanting of treated areas using native species.
Dr. Browne will add the replanting information to the report.
9.    Section 4.3 – Posting was supposed to be increased to a closer, set interval along the entire greenways boundary.  The 2018 Report should indicate that interval and should include a schedule for completion.
Dr. Browne will have the signs ordered and placed at 150 to 200-foot intervals along entire boundary by August 1.  
10.    Section 4.7 – Staff Education programs and Greenway Educational Information – This task is supposed to include education for the entire facility, not just the golf course, with supporting information included as an appendix.  Supposedly, the hotel and casino have achieved a rating to this effect.  Supporting documentation should be provided.
Dr. Browne will request the information from Mt. Airy #1, LLC about the hotel’s compliance activities and include in the revised 2018 report.  
11.    Section 4.8 Staff Training – This is to include to include all Mount Airy staff, not just the golf course.
Dr. Browne will follow-up on training.  It was clarified that this does not include the dealers, waitresses, etc, but does include the maintenance and housekeeping staff.
12.    Section 4.9 The final report should be provided to the Monroe County Conservation District and/or Monroe County Planning Commission, at their discretion.  Section 4.9 of the 2018 Report should note that this is happening.
Dr. Browne stated that the report has been sent to the MCCD and MCPC and will include this information in the revised 2018 report.  
13.    Section 4.10 - Streamflow field data and calculations should be provided to the Township.  This may be separate from the 2018 Report document.
Dr. Browne will include an appendix to the report with this information.  
14.    Section 4.10 indicates that “it may be necessary to request that the Dam Permit be revised,” if the standards for the discharge cannot be met.  The DMP that the 2018 Report references calls for the study and implementation of several options/alternatives to meet the standards, with no mention of requesting revisions to the Dam Permit.  These two documents should be consistent.  If the DMP is calling for study and implementation of the options/alternatives, then it will be expected that that is completed with information and recommendations provided to the Township.
Dr. Browne will remove the information regarding “Revised Dam Permit,” and the noted alternatives to correcting the water quality and quantity issues will be fully explored during 2019 with intent of meeting the current terms and conditions of the existing Dam Permit.  
15.    Section 5.5 – Table needs to be updated to “Table 18” and should be reviewed and corrected/revised.  Specific items for revision are:
a.    Under “Removal of Existing Invasive Exotic Species,” there should be a schedule for the planting of native vegetation.  Additionally, the planting work that was done along Forest Hills Run should be noted as being complete, with an additional task for maintenance (as ongoing).
b.    Under “Vegetation Management,” there should be a schedule for the development and implementation (completion) for developing a native plan revegetation plan. Additionally, the planting plans that were done for along Forest Hills Run should be noted as being complete.
c.    Under “Annual Report and EMS Plan,” for the development of the EMS Plan there should be a schedule for implementation and completion.  There should also be a task for implementation of the EMS Plan, which would be ongoing (with annual reporting on activities performed).
Dr. Browne will work with Mr. Osborne to include Items 15 a, b, c, and d, and all other Greenway Operation and Maintenance matrix items, consistent with the schedule in the revised 2018 report.
16.    Appendix K – Need to update with new, revised DMP.
Dr. Browne will update with the revised DMP.  
17.    All data for the 2018 report should be provided to the Township in digital format, including Excel spreadsheets, field data sheets as PDF files, photographs (from all monitoring), and data files uploaded from automated equipment.
Dr. Browne will provide the information on a flash drive, including both raw data and compiled data (spreadsheets).  

The Mt. Airy 2019 Discharge Management Plan was discussed next.  The following comments were discussed.

1.    Section 4.0 needs to clarify the interval at which flow and water quality monitoring (temperature and dissolved oxygen) from the lake (spillway and tower discharge) will be inspected and adjustments to the gate(s) will be made, as well as who will be responsible.  A detailed log of the inspections, water quality monitoring data, and management activities must be maintained and provided to the Township with regular monthly reporting.
Dr. Browne will update the plan to include these items.
2.    The streamflow rating curve and related streamflow measurement calculations (including raw data) for Station 3 should be provided to the Township, as agreed at the last Work Session.
Dr. Browne will provide the information to the Township.
3.    Based on in-lake temperatures listed in the DMP for the depths of the two (2) gates, there is a finite volume of colder waters between the gates.  Therefore, it seems as though flow would need to be strictly regulated at lower discharge rates to best ensure that temperatures in Forest Hills Run meet Chapter 93 and Dam Permit requirements.
Dr. Browne will provide information on when and how the gates are adjusted.  
4.    Flood flows, as listed in the Dam Permit, should be better defined within the DMP.
Dr. Browne will define flood flows within the DMP.
5.    The revised Plan states that “The temperatures and dissolved oxygen levels of the release shall meet the requirements of a HQ-Cold Water Fishes (HQ-CWF) designated stream.  If these conditions cannot be maintained constantly, Mount Airy will consider other options to meet these goals.”  Therefore, it seems reasonable to proceed with the proposed 2019 DMP based on the revisions and overall content.  The 2019 DMP, however, should include a schedule for compliance, in the event that additional corrective measures will become necessary.
Dr. Browne will include a schedule for compliance in the DMP.  The Board is in agreement.

Konrath adjourned the work session at 6:07 p.m.  The remaining items on the work session agenda will be continued at the regular meeting.   
Respectfully submitted,

Reda Briglia