Board of Supervisors Work Session Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 2, 2018

JULY 2, 2018
5:00 P.M.

A work session of the Paradise Township Board of Supervisors was held at the Paradise Township Municipal Building, 5912 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco, PA.

PRESENT:  Gary Konrath, Peter Gonze, Reda Briglia, and Solicitor Prevoznik.

Konrath called the work session to order at 5:05 p.m.

Telephone Call with Jason Farr (Supertech360)
Briglia called Jason Farr to discuss his email regarding a Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) server.  Mr. Farr explained that the Township is currently backing up data to the server and to the cloud.  Mr. Farr explained that the BDR would backup not only the data but also the software.  Mr. Farr explained by having the BDR which would also be backed up to the cloud would allow the Township to have the ability to work from the BDR or cloud without the time delay to reinstall the software on the server and work stations.  Gonze clarified that the BDR is for business continuity in the event of impacts to existing systems rendering them unusable.  Briglia also asked about mass emailing using either MailChimp or Constant Contact.  Mr. Farr stated that mass email could be done with MailChimp or other mass email programs.  Briglia also asked if Mr. Farr is still doing web page designs.  Mr. Farr stated that he is and would like to go over several options for the Township’s web page.  Briglia will follow-up with Mr. Farr when the Township is ready to have the web page updated.

To-Do List
The Board reviewed the To-Do List.  There was no additional items to add and the Board is pleased that several more items will be completed this year.
Earned Income Tax Collection Information/Re: State Conducting Study to have the State collect the earned income tax. 
Briglia stated that the PA House Finance Committee passed House Resolution #291, directing the PA Department of Revenue, along with the DCED to conduct a study; to see if they should replace the current local tax collection system to be collected by the Department of Revenue.  Mr. John DeRemer, Berkheimer Tax Innovations, has notified the Township that a meeting will be held on July 11 and is asking the Township for feedback with the state’s study.   Briglia stated that the Monroe County Tax Collection Committee and the Pocono Mountain Council of Governments is opposed to changing the collection of earned income tax to the state.  Gonze stated that there is no proposal for the Board to review and that several areas of concern were discussed including timing of payments to the municipalities, post office addresses which are in more than one municipality, and the costs if collected by the State.  

Konrath adjourned the work session at 5:40 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,

Reda Briglia, Secretary