Board of Supervisors Work Session Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 17, 2018

December 17, 2018
4:00 P.M.

A work session of the Paradise Township Board of Supervisors was held at the Paradise Township Municipal Building, 5912 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco, PA.

PRESENT:  Gary Konrath, Peter Gonze, Reda Briglia, Charles Unangst, Jason Smith, and Solicitor Prevoznik.

Konrath called the work session to order at 4:00 p.m.

Mt. Airy #1, LLC
Attorney Belardi (4:20) David Osborne were present.  Discussion was held on a variety of outstanding issues affecting Mount Airy and its projects, as follows:

1.    Conditional Use Matrix – David Osborne submitted an updated matrix dated December 17, 2018.  Mr. Osborne stated that on the matrix he changed the Finalized Discharge Management Plan to read Initial Discharge Management Plan.  Mr. Osborne stated that the riparian buffers were completed.  Jason Smith stated that he had sent an email to the Township that he inspected the riparian buffers on November 2, 2018 and that buffers were acceptable and as per the approved plan.  Mr. Smith noted that additional protective stem guards were to be installed on all tree plantings, as agreed by Mount Airy and as discussed with Mr. Faist, also noting that dead plantings would need to be replaced.  Mr. Faist had indicated during the inspection that they would be ordered and installed.  The Board requested that Jason Smith provide a letter (on Hanover Engineering letterhead) stating that he inspected the riparian buffers and that he was satisfied with the status of the Buffers for the Board’s review and approval.  Mr. Osborne stated that the stream monitoring is ongoing.  There was considerable discussion on the stream monitoring at Stations 1, 2, and 3, in an effort to better understand the monitoring and desired results.  There was discussion on an additional flow meter below the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP).  Mr. Osborne stated that an additional flow meter would not be approved by Mt. Airy #1, LLC and that it is not included in the conditional use decision.  Mr. Smith stated that Dr. Browne stated that he could calculate the flow from the readings from the other stations and the discharge data from the WWTP.  Mr. Smith also explained that Dr. Browne and Mount Airy agreed as part of the Conditional Use that additional flow meters would be installed if the methods using calculations are not acceptable to the Township (once calculations are completed and reviewed by the Township).  Mr. Gonze asked about the interval(s) for which the flow data from the WWTP would be provided to the Township, suggesting that it may need to be monthly like the other data provided for the three stream monitoring stations.  Mr. Smith explained that Dr. Browne stated that these data would simply be part of the annual reporting, based on the need to obtain and analyze the data and then complete additional calculations.  Ultimately, it was agreed that the Township will review and discuss the data provided in the annual report without further discussion or action until such time.  Mr. Smith asked about the status of the updated Greenways Operation & Maintenance Plan, noting that this Plan was provided to Dr. Browne at the last Work Session for review.  Mr. Osborne stated that Dr. Browne was working on the review and revisions and would provide the draft Plan for review by the Township prior to the January 7, 2019 Board of Supervisors meeting.  Mr. Osborne also stated that the November stream monitoring data would also be submitted prior to the January 7, 2019 Board of Supervisors meeting.  Mr. Smith will follow-up on this with Dr. Browne to discuss all items reviewed at the Work Session.  Mr. Osborne stated that the traffic impact remediation from the traffic analysis for the outdoor venue was not needed at this time since Mount Airy received no complaints regarding traffic in connection with use of the outdoor venue.  Mr. Osborne noted that a full traffic impact analysis plan is due on September 30, 2019. Mr. Osborne agreed to color code the ongoing items on the matrix.  Mr. Osborne stated that all the BMP’s would be inspected next year and that the future report on BMP’s will report on all Stormwater Facilities.  Attorney Belardi stated that he has spoken with Attorney Lance Zeyher at the Northeast Region DEP and that he is in the process of reviewing the NPDES permit application and that a response/determination expected within 2-3 months per PA DEP. 

2.    Trail Monitoring Report Dated November 2018
Mr. Osborne stated that Andy Faist has been working on the maintenance as required by the Trail Monitoring Report.  Jason Smith stated that this would be incorporated into the Operation and Maintenance Plan.  Mr. Osborne stated that he would submit the Trail Monitoring Report #2 to the Township and Hanover Engineering. 

3.    Compliance with Sound Ordinance and Parking
Mr. Osborne reported that the sound checks are being completed and a log is being maintained as required by the Conditional Use and Decision.
Planning Commission
Attorney McManus, David Browne and Donna Alker were present.  Brady had submitted a list of questions for review.  There was discussion on the B-3 and B-4 districts recommended in the Comprehensive Plan.  The Planning Commission prefers to have only one new district as a B-3.  The Board agreed.  There was discussion prohibiting residential uses in the business districts as well as agriculture uses in the business district.  Brady stated that the trout hatchery is solid agriculture activity by the Commonwealth.  Gonze stated he would be open to residential uses in the business district as long as it didn’t impact buffering for existing businesses.  Brady stated that she would review the agriculture uses for a better understanding if they should be prohibited or not.  There was discussion on the requirement for conditional use hearings.  The Board agreed that the Planning Commission should continue to look at the requirements and recommend if uses should be conditional use hearings or permitted.  

Most Holy Trinity Parish
Attorney DeStefano was present for the Most Holy Trinity Parish.  Attorney DeStefano presented a new sketch plan for the location of the church to be built at the Monsignor McHugh property.  Attorney DeStefano stated that the church is smaller than the one previously submitted.  The original condition use hearings were held on August 4, 2014, September 4, 2014 and October 6, 2014.  The conditional use permit expires in five (5) years.  After discussion, Solicitor Prevoznik recommended that a new conditional use application be submitted to the Township.  Attorney DeStefano agreed.

Konrath adjourned the work session at 5:59 p.m. and opened the regular meeting.  
Respectfully submitted,

Reda Briglia, Secretary