Board of Supervisors Work Session Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 18, 2019

MARCH 18, 2019
5:00 P.M.

A work session of the Paradise Township Board of Supervisors was held at the Paradise Township Municipal Building, 5912 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco, PA.

PRESENT:  Gary Konrath, Peter Gonze, Reda Briglia, Charles Unangst, Jason Smith and Solicitor Prevoznik.

Konrath called the work session to order at 5:02 p.m.

Mt. Airy #1, LLC
Attorney Belardi, Dr. Frank Browne, and Joshua Castillo were present. 
Jason Smith submitted a summary of questions and comments related to the the February Stream Data and the Discharge Management Plan (DMP).  Jason Smith started by reviewing the February Stream Data.  There was discussion on the specific methodology used for flow calculation.  Dr. Browne stated that a steam flow rating curve and equation were developed based on measured depths and manually measured steam flows.  Solicitor Prevoznik stated that the rating curve and equation should be included in the DMP.  Jason Smith agreed.  Dr. Browne stated that he would include this in the DMP and Greenway Monitoring Report.  There was discussion on who, when, and how the gates are adjusted.  Dr. Browne stated that the pond at the lake outlet is a limiting factor on how much water can be released through the gates.  After further discussion it was decided that the DMP would be revised to include information on who, when, and how the tower is regulated throughout the year.  Dr. Browne will submit a revised DMP to Jason Smith by April 15 for his review.  The Board agreed to meet with Mt. Airy #1, LLC again at the regular scheduled work session on May 6 at 5:00 p.m. 

Konrath adjourned the work session at 5:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Reda Briglia, Secretary