Board of Supervisors Special Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, March 6, 2020


Call to Order
Chair Konrath called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on March 27, 2020. Konrath indicated that meeting was advertised on March 26, 2020 as a special emergency meeting by solicitor’s office.  Solicitor confirmed.

Roll Call
Officials Present:                                           Officials Present by Telephone:
Gary Konrath – Chair                                    Reda Briglia - Supervisor
Peter Gonze – Vice Chair                              John C. Prevoznik – Solicitor
Tina Transue - Secretary    

Pledge of Allegiance – Waived.

Public Comment Statement
Konrath read the public comment statement “Ladies and gentlemen, before the Board of Supervisors votes on any matter, the Board will allow for public comment on that particular item.  If you wish to be heard at that time, please raise your hand, and you will be recognized.”
Konrath stated that the meeting is being recorded for the limited purpose of preparing the official minutes.

Gonze read a statement declaring that the Township meeting was being held with two of the Supervisors present at the Township Building, Chair Gary Konrath and Vice Chair Peter Gonze with Supervisor Reda Briglia present by phone and also Solicitor Prevoznik present by phone. The attendees participating by phone were doing so in order to practice safe social distancing to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 to all Board members at the meeting.    

Konrath stated that this meeting for the purpose of declaring a state of emergency and establishing policies was published in the Pocono Record in accordance with Township requirements to hold a public meeting.
Declaration of Disaster Emergency
Solicitor Prevoznik summarized the Declaration of Disaster Emergency. Solicitor Prevoznik explained that the first four pages recites the history of the emergency from the start of the virus in 2019 through to the actions taken by Governor Wolf and also through the specific issues that healthcare providers have found that the virus can cause severe symptoms or loss of life particularly to the elderly population and people with preexisting conditions. The Declaration also states that there is an immediate disaster imminent and actions need to be taken. Solicitor Prevoznik also explained that several counties were under a stay at home order to include Monroe County. Solicitor Prevoznik went on to explain the purpose of the order is to authorize emergency powers under Section 701 (d) of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Service Code to allow the Board of Supervisors to effectively manage their resources. Solicitor Prevoznik state that the Chair Gary Konrath or Vice Chair Peter Gonze in the Chair’s absence is to be working with the Township Emergency Management Coordinator Kevin Transue to assist in the operations and management in the departments of the Township for such time as the emergency exists. Solicitor Prevoznik continued to summarize the Declaration and the COVID-19 Policies to include the COVID-19 Personnel Use Policy, COVID-19 Response Policy and the COVID-19 Teleworking Policy.                                                                                                           

Motion: Gonze moved and seconded by Konrath to approve the Declaration of Disaster Emergency effective March 27, 2020 and approve and ratify the COVID-19 Response Policy, COVID-19 Teleworking Policy and the COVID-19 Personnel Use Policy as presented, a copy of the Declaration and the policies will be attached to the Minutes.
Motion carried 3-0.

Motion: Gonze moved and seconded by Briglia to adjourn the meeting at 4:20 p.m. on March 27, 2020.
Motion carried 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Tina Transue