Board of Supervisors Joint Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 16, 2018

JULY 16, 2018
5:00 P.M.

A special meeting of the Paradise Township Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission was held at the Paradise Township Municipal Building, 5912 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco, PA.

PRESENT:  Gary Konrath, Peter Gonze, Reda Briglia, Charles Unangst, Jim Milot and Solicitor Prevoznik for the Board of Supervisors.  David Brown, Joan Montgomery, Joseph Greco, Donna Alker and Solicitor McManus for the Planning Commission.  

Konrath called the special meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Code of Ordinances
Traffic Impact Study
Brady stated that Jim Milot, Hanover Engineering, is here to review the proposed traffic impact study criteria.  Mr. Milot reviewed Section A, stating that a traffic impact study shall be submitted for every plan which involves one or more of the listed items.  There was discussion on collector streets or greater.  Traffic impact fees were discussed.  Ms. Alker recommended that Mr. Milot review the Township’s current ordinance and compare it to the draft information. 
Motion:  Konrath moved and seconded by Gonze for Mr. Milot to review the Township’s current traffic impact ordinance and make recommendations to the Paradise Township Planning Commission.
Motion carried 3-0.

Brady then discussed animals, livestock, and pets.  Chapter 40, Animals, deals only with dogs running at large.  Attorney McManus and Solicitor Prevoznik agreed that any other regulation for animals should remain in the zoning ordinance.  There was discussion on chickens.  The definition for chickens should also include other poultry such as ducks and geese. 

Community Septic Systems  
Brady brought up the issue of community septic systems and that it currently includes shared septic systems of 2 or more homes and that it is considered a “principal use”.  Brady will discuss this further with the Planning Commission. 
Konrath adjourned the work session at 5:55 p.m.  
Respectfully submitted,

Reda Briglia