Board of Supervisors Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 18, 2019

NOVEMBER 18, 2019

Call to Order

Chair Konrath called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.   

Roll Call
Officials Present:
Gary Konrath – Chair                     John C. Prevoznik – Solicitor
Peter Gonze – Vice Chair                Charles Unangst – Engineer
Reda Briglia - Supervisor                Tina Transue – Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance
Konrath led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.   
Public Comment Statement
Konrath read the public comment statement “Ladies and gentlemen, before the Board of Supervisors votes on any matter, the Board will allow for public comment on that particular item.  If you wish to be heard at that time, please raise your hand, and you will be recognized.  A public comment period will be held at the end of the regular agenda for any other business.”
Konrath stated that the meeting is being recorded for the limited purpose of preparing the official minutes.

Approval of Minutes
Motion: Briglia moved and seconded by Gonze to approve the November 6, 2019 Board of Supervisors regular meeting minutes as presented.
Motion carried 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report
Transue read the Treasurer’s Report. Briglia stated that the dates listed after the Accounts Receivable General Fund should be changed from 09/17-10/21 to 10/22-11/18. Konrath asked Transue to compile a list of expenses for events such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Community Day and the Halloween Party.
Motion:  Gonze moved and seconded by Konrath to approve the Treasurer’s Report with the dates listed after the Accounts Receivable General Fund changed to 10/22-11/18.
Motion carried 3-0.

Work Session Items
No Work Session.

Unfinished Business
Tarpon Towers/Resolution Follow Up – Solicitor Prevoznik explained that Tarpon Towers, LLC returned the signed Resolution 09-2019 and have accepted the conditions listed within Resolution 09-2019. Solicitor Prevoznik further stated that the Tower Removal Agreement was attached as an exhibit to the Resolution and that the Township has not yet received a signed Tower Removal Agreement. Solicitor Prevoznik stated per Attorney Williams, the Township should have the signed Tower Removal Agreement in 10-14 days. Once the Township receives the signed agreement the Board would need to do a motion to execute it and sign it.
Web Design RFP/Follow Up – Gonze asked Transue if she had any updates on the Web Design process. Transue stated she was able to call the references given by the final three candidates and she was looking at setting up times to get demos from each company this week. Gonze briefly described the considerations being used to choose a company to do the Website Redesign. Gonze stated that the Board was looking to make a decision in early December.
Motion: Gonze moved and seconded by Briglia to table the discussion/decision until the Township receives more feedback from references and demos on the final three candidates.
Motion carried 3-0.
DCNR 7 Pines Grant/Certification of Compliance with Bid Requirements – Briglia stated that a Certificate of Compliance with Bid Requirements executed by the Township’s Solicitor was required for the DCNR Grant for 7 Pines Park. Solicitor Prevoznik explained that his signature on the document would be guaranteeing that Paradise Township would follow the law in regards to bidding requirements in the purchase of materials and/or the award of labor and material contracts. Solicitor Prevoznik would review, then advise the Township on the Grant Program Requirements & Guidelines and Grant Terms and Conditions which are available on the DCNR website as well as additional documentation provided with the initial review letter from the Bureau of Recreation and Conservation. Solicitor Prevoznik would advise Paradise Township as to the laws of procurement in the grant. The Township would then have to give Solicitor Prevoznik an affidavit that they would follow the law in regards to the grant.
Motion: Gonze moved and seconded by Konrath to have Solicitor Prevoznik review the requirements associated with signing the Certification of Compliance with Bid Requirements for the DCNR 7 Pines Grant. The Board agrees to follow the procurement law and the requirements of the grant by way of a signed affidavit to Solicitor Prevoznik.
Motion carried 3-0.

New Business
Lisa Rouse – Lisa Rouse and her husband Ronald came before the Board to make a presentation on a new development they would like to develop in the Township called Paradise Acres on Route 715 and Hunters Farm Road that would be “affordable” housing. Mrs. Rouse discussed the details of the development and the homes they wish to build. Solicitor Prevoznik asked Mrs. Rouse if she had a lease, license or agreement of sale from the property owners. Mrs. Rouse stated that the land belonged to the Amanda J Langhorne Corporation which she is CEO and shareholder of and that she would forward to the Township the information to verify that. Mrs. Rouse clarified that the homes would be energy efficient/cost effective homes not affordable housing. There was discussion with Mr. and Mrs. Rouse as to the details of the development. Solicitor Prevoznik stated to Mr. and Mrs. Rouse that there was nothing the board could do for them at this time and they would need to get some preliminary things in order such as an engineering sketch, stormwater plan, attorney guidance and to contact PennDOT on the viability of the plan and then go to Zoning Hearing Board for the variances they would need to develop this property.
2020 Budget/Approve and Ratify Advertising – Gonze stated that the Board the Proposed 2020 Budget and has submitted it for advertising and will need to ratify the advertisement for the Proposed 2020 Budget. Briglia stated that two grant amounts previously listed on the 2020 Proposed General Fund Budget was moved from that budget and placed on the 2020 Proposed All Accounts Budget. Those grants were the Growing Greener Grant and the 7 Pines Park Grant.
Motion: Gonze moved and seconded by Konrath to ratify the advertisement for the 2020 Proposed Budget in the Pocono Record on November 12, 2019.
Motion carried 3-0.
Tax Reassessment/Resolution 10-2019 – Briglia read Resolution 10-2019 regarding the recalculated tax millage due to the County wide real property reassessment. The 2019 assessed value of real property of which taxes are levied was $57,060,750.00 providing the real estate tax revenues of $442,220.81 based on 7.75 mills. The 2020 real property assessed values of which taxes are levied is $341,497,940.00 therefore requiring the millage rate to be recalculated to 1.29 mills which will provide real estate revenue of $440,532.34. Paradise Township has no specialty taxes.
Motion: Gonze moved and seconded by Konrath to approve Resolution 10-2019 and forward said resolution on to the Department of Community and Economic Development.
Motion carried 3-0.

Solicitor – Solicitor Prevoznik stated he had nothing further to report.
Engineer – Mr. Unangst stated he would be contacting Solicitor Prevoznik on November 19 at 10:00 a.m. in regards to insurance from the company that will be delivering the walls for the Salt Shed Building to make sure they are insured properly. Mr. Unangst also stated that there were some adjustments needed to the structure of the salt shed building and that Timbertek would be submitting new plans showing those adjustments and those plans would be forwarded to Aaron Palaskas, Building Code Official and also Shawn McGlynn, Zoning Officer. Gonze asked if there was a time line on the work to be done to the Foyer. Mr. Unangst stated that Lehigh Valley Interior Construction, Inc. had received the Township’s signed proposal and first payment and were ordering the materials. It will take 4-6 weeks for delivery of the materials. Once materials are delivered it should take approximately two weeks to complete installation.

Office of Voter Registration & Elections/ADA Polling Place Review - Konrath reported the Township received a notice from the Office of Voter Registration & Elections stating that they would be visiting the Township office to assess whether the building is ADA compliant.

Other Business/Public Comment
There was no further business or public comment.

Executive Session
Motion:  Konrath moved and seconded by Briglia to recess the regular meeting and go into an executive session.
Motion carried 3-0.
Motion:  Konrath moved and seconded by Briglia to reconvene the regular meeting. 
Motion carried 3-0.

Planning Commission Items
Konrath asked Mr. Unangst on the progress of the Planning Commission. Mr. Unangst stated the Commission members worked on Small Wireless Communications Ordinance at the November 12 meeting.

Executive Session (cont.)
Motion:  Konrath moved and seconded by Briglia to recess the regular meeting and go into an executive session.
Motion carried 3-0.
Motion:  Konrath moved and seconded by Briglia to reconvene the regular meeting. 
Solicitor Prevoznik stated personnel matters were discussed and no decisions were made.
Motion carried 3-0.

Motion:  Briglia moved and seconded by Konrath to adjourn the meeting at 7:09 p.m.
Motion carried 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Tina Transue