Board of Supervisors Business Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2020
Meeting date: 
Monday, May 18, 2020

MAY 18, 2020

Call to Order
Chair Konrath called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.                             
Konrath read the public comment statement “To meet the requirements established by the Office of Open records for virtual meetings, this meeting shall be audio and video recorded via from the initial announcement of the meeting till its end with the exception of the executive session if any, which shall not be recorded. Ladies and gentlemen, before the Board of Supervisors votes on any matter, the Board will allow for public comment on that particular item.  If you wish to be heard at that time, please raise your hand and we will also watch for you on chat, and you will be recognized.”

Roll Call
Officials Present:
Gary Konrath – Chair                                     John C. Prevoznik – Solicitor
Peter Gonze – Vice Chair                                Charles Unangst - Engineer
Reda Briglia - Supervisor                                Tina Transue – Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance: Waived          

Approval of Minutes
Motion: Briglia moved and seconded by Konrath to approve the May 4, 2020 Board of Supervisors regular business meeting minutes as presented.
Motion carried 2-0 (Gonze abstained).

Treasurer’s Report
Transue read the Treasurer’s Report.
Motion:  Briglia moved and seconded by Gonze to approve the May 18 Treasurer’s Report.
Motion carried 3-0.

Road Paving Bid – Transue stated that the road project was advertised in the Pocono Record on April 13 and 20. Transue stated that seven bid packets were sent out and that four bids were returned. Transue opened and read the bids out loud (See Exhibit 1). Transue confirmed that all bids included the bid bonds.
Motion:  Briglia moved and seconded by Gonze to award the bid to H & K Group for $465,724.51 contingent on satisfactory review of all documents by Solicitor Prevoznik.
Motion carried 3-0.

Unfinished Business
Ellen Gnandt, CPA/2019 Audit – Ms. Gnandt was present to review the 2019 audit she submitted for the Board’s approval. Solicitor Prevoznik stated that he was in contact earlier that day with Ms. Gnandt by email in regards to the audit and subsequent forms/letters she submitted. Solicitor Prevoznik stated he would like to further discuss the new management representation letter with Ms. Gnandt prior to Board signing the document. Solicitor Prevoznik stated that the management rep letter is substantially different from previous years and he questioned the definition of Materiality in the letter as well as the way the word material is used in the letter. There was discussion on the omission of PMRS information on the audit due to PMRS not having disseminated the information in a timely fashion to be included in the audit.  Ms. Gnandt noted that a new DCED regulation acknowledged the problem with PMRS providing data, and therefore the data was not required in the financial report.
Motion:  Gonze moved and seconded by Briglia to table further discussion until the Management Rep letter is completed.
Motion carried 3-0.

Materials Bid Bond Received – Transue stated that all Bid Bonds were received and verified for the Road Materials Bid.

Purchase of Truck – Konrath explained that he spoke with Mike Mader, Paradise Township Roadmaster in regards to ordering a dump truck that was scheduled for purchase this year. Mader questioned if he could order the truck. The Board discussed the profit and loss statement and the Budget to date reports dated January 1 – April 30, 2020 sent to them by Transue. The Board discussed the viability of purchasing the truck due to the concerns of the possibility of lower revenues received by the Township due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The new dump truck was budgeted for this year prior to the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Motion:  Gonze moved and seconded by Briglia to table the discussion on purchasing a dump truck until the next meeting.
Motion carried 3-0.

New Business
Primary Election – Konrath stated that he spoke with a representative of the Monroe County Election Board regarding the June 2, 2020 primary election regarding staffing of poll workers needed due to Paradise Township’s Election Committee abstaining from working this election due to COVID-19 concerns. Konrath stated that five to six workers would be needed to hold the election at the Paradise Township Building. The County Election Board would send an experienced poll worker to Paradise that day to help run the election. Konrath stated that four possibly five college students have stated that they would work on that day. Gonze asked whether the County will provide safety protocols for the day of the election. Konrath stated that the County would provide wipes for wiping down the pens used by residents but did not believe they were going to mandate safety protocols. Konrath stated that he spoke with Transue and they had discussed and will further discuss the best safety practices to put in place on the day of the election. Gonze asked if the County would provide training. Konrath stated that the County was creating a video for workers to watch prior to Election Day. Gonze also asked if the Paradise Township Constable would be in attendance. Transue will follow up with Constable Brian Gallagher to inquire whether he will be at the Township Building on Election Day. The Board asked Transue to contact the Willing Workers to let them know they would not be able to set up a bake sale table this year due to needing the extra space for social distancing while voting.

Spring Clean Up New Date – The Board discussed rescheduling Spring Clean Up to be held by July 20, 2020 if Transue can confirm with several waste companies whether they could provide dumpsters during that time frame so there would be a possibility of successful bids.  The Board discussed the best practice for social distancing during clean up which would include prohibiting residents from exiting their vehicles at drop off.
Motion: Briglia moved and seconded by Gonze to move forward with advertising for bids for Spring Clean up to be held prior to July 20, 2020 if Transue can confirm that waste companies would have dumpster availability which would allow them to submit a bid.
Motion carried 3-0.

Ad for Seasonal Worker – Konrath stated that Doug Leies was returning this year as a seasonal employee and the Township would need to hire one more seasonal employee.
Transue stated that she ran an ad in the Pocono Record for one seasonal employee to maintain wilderness trails on the Township’s Open Space Properties. The ad ran May
15–17, 2020. The applications are due by Friday, May 22, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. The Board discussed having Konrath and Mader conduct the interviews.
Motion: Briglia moved and seconded by Gonze to ratify the advertising of the ad for a seasonal laborer in the Pocono Record May 15-17, 2020.
Motion carried 3-0.

Solicitor – Solicitor Prevoznik stated that he discussed with both Tim McManus and Charles Unangst the 18 page Legal and Editorial Research and Report from American Legal Publishing Corporation in reference to the recodification of the Township’s ordinances. Solicitor Prevoznik summarized his conversation with Mr. Unangst regarding the Legal and Editorial Research and Report. Solicitor Prevoznik stated he would put together a review to discuss with the Board.

Engineer – Mr. Unangst stated he met with Lehigh Valley Interior Construction, Inc., the contractor for the foyer on May 14, 2020. The contractor stated that they would start on the construction of the foyer in the second week of June to avoid conflicts with election day which will be held at the Township Building on June 2, 2020. Mr. Unangst also stated that he received the application for final payment from  Creekside Concrete Construction in the amount of $1,425.00 for the construction of the Salt Shed Mixing Building. Mr. Unangst stated he would draw up a letter stating as much and forward it to the Board.
Gonze asked Mr. Unangst if he had heard any information regarding Stites Tunnel Bridge and if there was an updated expected finish date for the project. Mr. Unangst said he had not heard a new expected finish date but would inquire with PennDOT. Konrath asked if Hanover Engineering marked the road on Route 191 where the traffic calming devices were to go. Mr. Unangst stated they had not but he would follow up to have that done. Mr. Unangst also stated that he inquired about the driveway permit for Paradise Discovery Park and was told that the application to close out the driveway permit with PennDOT was submitted but had not been acted so Hanover Engineering submitted another application today for close out of the driveway permit.

Work Session with Mt. Airy – Transue stated that she received an email from Debbie Refalko stating that Jeff Belardi, Dave Osborne and Frank Browne were all available for a work session regarding the 2019 Greenway Monitoring review letter on June 15th at 5:00 p.m. The Board agreed that as long as the meeting could be in person to meet on June 15, 2020.

Other Business/Public Comment
Solicitor Prevoznik stated that resident Russell Horn typed a question in the chat section inquiring about the Stites Tunnel Bridge timeline. Konrath stated that Mr. Unangst was going to look into whether PennDOT had a completion date for that project.

Briglia stated that the Township has always had Porta Potties at The Roof, the Little Roof and 2 at the Monsignor McHugh Catholic School baseball/softball fields. The Board discussed whether to keep the Porta Potties at Monsignor McHugh Catholic School since Little League is not playing this season and the Board was not sure if the Men’s Softball League was planning on playing still this season. Konrath suggested asking Mader if the softball league would be playing this season. At this time the Porta Potties will stay at the Catholic School fields until an answer can be determined if there is a need for them at the fields.

Residents Kevin and Caroline Kuchinski were present by way of telephone. Mr. Kuchinski stated that they have lived at 249 Lynn Lane for 35 years. Mr. and Mrs. Kuchinski brought to the Board an issue regarding ATVs and motor cross bikes at a property across Route 191 from Linn Lane at the Suntech property. Mr. Kuchinski stated that the noise level from that property is very loud and that it is frequent, which is making it difficult for them to enjoy their property. Konrath recommended Mr. Kuchinski contact Shawn McGlynn, Paradise Township Zoning Officer with his concerns at which time Mr. McGlynn can follow up as per the Township ordinances if it is appropriate.

Motion:  Gonze moved and seconded by Briglia to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Transue